7 Ways to grow your business with the resources you already have
Regardless of how much or how little we already have, we all have something. What we already have is meaningful, because we already have it and we wouldn’t have it if it weren’t meaningful. To grow, we have to learn to not only get more, but to also receive the full bounty of what we already have.
How to pitch a mermaid movie to Hollywood, from Brian Grazer’s "Face to Face"
To sell anything, you have to connect emotionally with your audience. But, you can’t connect emotionally with anyone if you, yourself, are not connected emotionally with your own product. When you ask yourself questions like - why? how did this idea come about? how did I make it? what did I feel as I was creating it? - you unlock your own emotional connection to your product or idea.
Zig Ziglair's Marriage Certificate sales close
Zig Ziglair wasn’t happy with this roadblock, but he didn’t give up. He used his imagination and came up with a clever idea. He created a document that showed his prospect that this sale represents just the beginning to a long lasting relationship and a true win-win partnership.
The big vision, a glimpse into future you
The question how? is to a vision what a needle is to a balloon. Every time you think about your vision and you feel the question how? creeping in, take a breath and tell yourself, “It is not my job to figure out the details right now. Right now, in this moment, my only job is to think about what I want, not how I’ll get it.”
Two hidden reasons why you don’t want to work on that project you love
The reason why many people don’t start the side project they’ve been thinking of for a long time is not because they don’t have time, but because they feel emotional resistance about it.
How to make choices
How we live with our choices is even more important than the choices we make. The most important choice you can make is choosing to bring yourself in alignment with your choices.
The El Bulli experience
It was open for only 6 months of the year and served only 50 customers per evening. It was estimated that over 1 million people tried to get a reservation each year, which means the chance of getting a reservation at El Bulli was much lower than the chance of getting into...well, almost anything else, I suppose. In spite of the high demand, Ferran Adria, the restaurant’s founder, refused to increase the price to dine at El Bulli (250 euros per evening).
Follow your bliss, one small desire at a time
Our work lives are meant to feel joyous. You are meant to feel energized by your work, inspired, stimulated, alive, creative, smart and free. At the end of each day, you’re meant to feel like you’ve expanded because of the work you’ve done that day. At the end of each day, you’re meant to feel fulfilled, satisfied and peaceful.
The three costs your customers pay you
Customers pay with three costs: time, money and space. One way to increase your price - the money cost - is to reduce the other two costs - time and space. Then, the sum of the costs people pay you with stays the same, but you get more money, because people pay you a higher price.
How to make a difference in your customers’, clients’ and readers’ lives
I don’t know why making a difference feels good. But what I do know is that we’re all intrinsically uplifters, service givers and difference makers. We’ve all been born with a powerful desire to be of service and to make a difference in others’ lives. Sometimes this desire lies dormant for a long time, until we awaken to it through life experience, circumstances or self realization. Either way, making a difference makes us feel satisfied, fulfilled and connected to one another.
People say “no” if they don’t have enough information to make a decision [+ a few other marketing ideas]
A sales proposition without enough information is just an interruption. A sales proposition with information is an invitation.
Why you need to be your best customer
The companies that I’ve seen that had customers stampede to buy their products had one thing in common….they were run by employees who had love and passion for their own products. They were obsessed with their products.
500+ beautiful and emotion imbued words you can use in your marketing copy
A bottomless supply; A bouquet of love; A goldmine of; A joy; A new you; A wealth of; Abounds with; and 500 other words.
First love your work, then love your customers
When you love your work, your customers smell your passion from miles away. They feel attracted to you, they want to join in on your high vibe of love and appreciation - even if they don’t care that much about what you’re selling.
The process matters
Goals are beautiful, and goals do lead the way. We want our goals to happen, so we think about them a lot. But it’s the process to get our goals accomplished that truly matters. It’s the process that changes us and has the most profound impact on us, not the achievement of the goals. It’s the process that occupies most of our living time.
They understand something that’s often forgotten in CRM strategies
How you make more money from your customers matters. You can make more money in ways that set you up for customer retention and loyalty, or you can make more money in ways that set you up for one time customers. It’s easier to do the latter. But in the long run, the latter will harm your business.
Tao’s three business lessons: simplicity, patience, compassion
These three loving teachers are my go-to compass, simplicity, patience, compassion. They’re eager to guide us in business, and in all of life’s experiences.
The space between knowing and doing
This space is dangerous. The longer we wait, the larger it becomes. We start believing our own excuses, we get used to life as it is right now, and we miss out on what we could have otherwise.